Legal Notice

Activity and supervisory regime

Convergence SA is an independent asset management company affiliated to the supervisory body AOOS (

and licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA (

Mediation body
Clients may initiate a procedure for the amicable resolution of disputes relating to financial services.

Convergence SA is affiliated to
Ombud Finance Suisse (OFS)
Bd des Tranchées 16
1206 Genève
Phone number: : +41.22.808.04.51
Email :

Risk information

The Financial Services Act (LSFin), which came into force on 1 January 2020, governs the protection of customers who use financial services providers. It defines the requirements for the fair, diligent and transparent provision of these financial services and specifies the procedures for offering and creating financial instruments This includes the obligation of financial service providers to inform their customers in a simple and comprehensible manner about the general risks inherent in the financial instruments used. The purpose of this brochure published by the Swiss Bankers Association is to help you make informed investment decisions by enabling you to compare the various financial instruments.

Read brochure

Professional association

Convergence SA is a member of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers / SAAM

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