In the course of its business, Convergence SA may collect and process personal data about its customers.

Type of data

This information and data is collected either directly from the company or its authorized representatives, or indirectly from publicly available sources (Bloomberg, World-Check, etc.).

The type of personal data includes the following information:

  • information relating to a person’s civil status and family situation (surname, first name, date and place of birth, marital status),
  • financial information (assets, real estate, professional income, earnings and investments, debts, taxes),
  • tax information (tax domicile, TIN number),
  • professional information (curriculum vitae, professional activity and experience, website),
  • information related to means of communication (telephone numbers, e-mail address, postal address),
  • and any other information related to the interactions and needs of the profession.

Data collected from third parties is processed in the same way as data collected from the individuals themselves.

Purpose and use of data

Data is used exclusively for the professional needs of Convergence SA and within the framework of the services contracted with its customers.
Convergence SA does not profile the personal data of its customers.

Data sharing

Convergence SA may share personal data with the third parties listed below and undertakes to complete the list if other recipients should be added.

  • Swiss or foreign financial institutions, insurance companies, IT providers,
  • Auditors, national or international regulatory authorities, courts where required by applicable law or regulation.

Storage time

Personal data is kept by Convergence SA for the entire duration of the contractual relationship, and ceases to exist when the contract is terminated. The retention period is 10 years. At the end of this period, Convergence SA may destroy documentation relating to a historical contractual relationship.

Access to personal data

All customers have the right to access their own personal data and receive a copy.
They may also request rectification of inaccurate data.
They may also request that their data be deleted if processing is no longer necessary or if the legal deadline has been reached.

Data security

Convergence SA has implemented all appropriate organizational measures to protect the security of its customers’ personal data against any type of intrusion.